Another happy Easytrek treeless saddle customer

by | Nov 30, 2021

This is Billy, he’s a 14.1h Appaloosa X New forest. Previously Billy’s owner Alana purchased a brand new treed saddle for him and paid for it to be professionally fitted. The fitter advised that as Billy changed shape you could just change the width of the saddle as it was a changeable gullet system. She was advised that in theory she would not need to ever buy a new saddle once she had paid out for that one.

Billy drops weight in winter and piles pounds on in the summer, yet has to have ad lib forage (the joys of having a part native prone to ulcers!) Alana expressed her concerns to the saddle fitter about his dramatic weight changes but the fitter advised her to simply change the gullets.

Fast forward a few months! Billy had put on some much needed weight and had gained some top line/muscle. Suddenly Billy was not the normal willing pony he used to be and was becoming nothing less than a total pain to tack up and ride. He began to hate his back being touched, he started to bronk and rear. Alana rode him a few times without the saddle – no problem!
It was clear the problems were only occuring with the saddle on. Gutted that she had paid for a brand new saddle that did not fit and upset that Billy had been uncomfortable in the treed saddle, Alana tried her friends Easytrek treeless saddle. She was gobsmacked at the difference, she came back from a hack and cried tears of joy! Billy had gone from exhibiting various naughty behaviour under the saddle to once again being the sweetest, kindest boy she once knew and brought all those years ago.
since buying her own Easytrek Treeless Classic GP they have both never looked back. Billy now stands completely untied to be tacked up, he no longer dreads being ridden and Alana no longer dreads the feeling of potentially being dumped on the floor.

The Easytrek looks like a “normal” treed saddle and in every way feels like a treed saddle, but doesn’t have the restrictions of a treed saddle, Billy now strides out much freer in movement.

Thumbs up to Easytrek treeless saddles. To see more of Alana and Billy please follow @equine1996